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ID: 700008776
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Record Type: Movable Work
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Luigi Cherubini et la Muse de la poésie lyrique (painting (visual work); Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French painter); 1842; Louvre Museum (Paris, Île-de-France, France); RF Inv. 5423;)
Note: Ingres painting, combining a portrait and a mythological figure. The painting shows the sitter seated in front of the figure a woman, Terpsichore, the muse of dance and lyric poetry, dressed an antique peplos and holding a lyre.
Luigi Cherubini et la Muse de la poésie lyrique (preferred,C,U,RP,French,U,P,English,L,P)
Composer Luigi Cherubini and the Muse Terpsichore (C,U,DE,English,U,U)
Catalog Level: item
Work Types:
painting (visual work) [300033618] (preferred)
..... (Objects Facet, Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name), Visual Works (hierarchy name), visual works (works), <visual works by material or technique>)

paintings (preferred)

Creation Date: 1842

Creator Display:
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French painter) [preferred,VP]
artist Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (French painter and draftsman, 1780-1867) [500028037]
Current: Louvre Museum (Paris, Île-de-France, France) [500125189] Corporate Bodies (Corp. Body)
Repository Numbers: RF Inv. 5423
Display Materials: oil on canvas
oil paint (paint) [300015050]
.......(Materials Facet, Materials (hierarchy name), materials (substances), <materials by function>, coating (material), <coating by form>, paint (coating), <paint by composition or origin>)
canvas (textile material) [300014078]
.......(Materials Facet, Materials (hierarchy name), materials (substances), <materials by form>, <materials by physical form>, <fiber and fiber by product>, <fiber by product>, textile materials, <textile materials by process or technique>)

Dimensions: 105 x 94 cm
European (preferred)

General Subject:
portraits (preferred)

Specific Subjects:
Cherubini, Louis-Charles-Zenobi-Salvador-Marie (French engraver, 1760-1842) [500083319]
.....(Persons, Artists) (ULAN)
double portrait [300254374]
.....(Objects Facet, Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name), Visual Works (hierarchy name), visual works (works), <visual works by subject type>, portraits, group portraits) (AAT)
allegory (literary genre) [300202507]
.....(Associated Concepts Facet, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name), <concepts in the arts and humanities>, <genres in literature and performing arts>, <genres for literature>) (AAT)
Terpsichore [901000680]
.....((Greek characters, Greek iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)
Muses [901001559]
.....((Greek characters, Greek iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)

Provenance: - juin 1842, Acheté au peintre pour 8000 francs, roi Louis-Philippe Le tableau est affecté aux collections du musée du Luxembourg - 1874, Il entre dans les collections du musée du Louvre en 1874
List/Hierarchical Position:
..... Movable Works
.......... Movable Works by class: drawings, paintings, prints, other two-dimensional media
Additional Notes:
French ..... Le tableau montre le compositeur en buste vêtu d’un habit noir, assis de face le visage appuyé sur une main, le bras accoudé à une tablette. Derrière lui se tient une femme vêtue à l’antique d’un péplos clair, tenant une lyre à la main tandis que son bras droit étendu au dessus de la tête du compositeur semble à la fois le désigner et le protéger. Il s’agit de Terpsichore, la muse de la danse et de la poésie lyrique. A l’arrière plan à gauche une colonne antique clôt la composition. Le visage du compositeur sévère, fermé et ridé, couronné d’une improbable chevelure bouclée est celui d’un homme âgé. Qualifié de « cadavéreux » par Hector Berlioz, il étonne par le réalisme du traitement et par le regard las qu’il adresse au spectateur.
Sources and Contributors:
Luigi Cherubini et la Muse de la poésie lyrique........ [VP]
........ Louvre Museum (2016-)
Composer Luigi Cherubini and the Muse Terpsichore........ [VP]
........ Louvre Museum (2016-)
Subject: ....... [VP]
....................... Louvre Museum (2016-)
English ..... [VP]
..... Louvre Museum (2016-)
French ..... [VP]
..... Louvre Museum (2016-)
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