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ID: 700001170
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Record Type: Movable Work
Disegno del sontuoso sagro apparato ordinato nella tribuna della basilica di S. Lorenzo, in Damaso per il sepolcro di Giesu Christo nella settimana santa dall'emo., e rmo. sig.r cardinale Otthoboni vescovo di Sabina, vice-cancelliere di S. Chiesa, e commendatore della sudetta basilica l'anno bissestile 1728 (etching (print); Vasconi, Filippo (etcher, 1687?-1730); published 1728; Getty Research Institute, Special Collections (Los Angeles, ...; 2643-916; 643916; (CMalG)1366-954; accession number: P910002** (FF. 937))
Note: The ephemeral structure was commissioned by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, bishop of Sabina, vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, and titular of San Lorenzo in Damaso. Filippo Vasconi or Vasconio, a nephew of the architect Carlo Fontana, was active in Rome as an architect and printmaker; The print depicts a macchina of the Holy Sepulcher, designed by the architect Alessandro Mauri to be displayed in the tribune of the Church of San Lorenzo in Damaso in Rome during the Holy Week of 1728; The sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham is represented above the Holy Sepulcher, attended by two angels and set in an illuminated grotto. Four female figures, possibly personifications of the four parts of the world, are seated before the grotto, as are slaves and somnolent Roman soldiers; Forms part of the Collection of festival prints, 1530-1887 (Special Collections accn. no. P910002**).
Disegno del sontuoso sagro apparato ordinato nella tribuna della basilica di S. Lorenzo, in Damaso per il sepolcro di Giesu Christo nella settimana santa dall'emo., e rmo. sig.r cardinale Otthoboni vescovo di Sabina, vice-cancelliere di S. Chiesa, e commendatore della sudetta basilica l'anno bissestile 1728 (preferred,C,U,RP,Italian-P,U,U)
Operatus est salutem in medio terrae (C,U,Latin,U,U)
Macchina of the Holy Sepulcher by Alessandro Mauri for the tribune of San Lorenzo in Damaso, Rome, during Holy Week 1728 (C,U,DE,English,U,U)
Catalog Level: item
Work Types:
etching (print) [300041365] (preferred)
..... (Objects Facet, Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name), Visual Works (hierarchy name), visual works (works), <visual works by material or technique>, prints (visual works), <prints by process or technique>, <prints by process: transfer method>, intaglio prints)
prints (visual works) [300041273]
..... (Objects Facet, Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name), Visual Works (hierarchy name), visual works (works), <visual works by material or technique>)

prints (preferred)

Creation Date: published 1728

Creator Display:
Vasconi, Filippo (etcher, 1687?-1730) [preferred,GRISC]
printmaker Vasconi, Filippo (Italian engraver and architect, ca. 1687-1730) [500004802]
artist Mauri, Alessandro (Italian architect, active 18th century) Extent: work depicted [500354373]
Current: Getty Research Institute, Special Collections (Los Angeles, Los Angeles county, California, United States) [500353615] Getty Research Institute, J. Paul Getty Trust, Corporate Bodies (Corp. Body)
Repository Numbers: 2643-916; 643916; (CMalG)1366-954; accession number: P910002** (FF. 937)
Credit Line: copyright J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute, Special Collections
Address Note: 1200 Getty Center Dr., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
Display Materials: 1 print: etching
etching (printing process) [300053241]
.......(Activities Facet, Processes and Techniques (hierarchy name), <processes and techniques by specific type>, <image-making processes and techniques>, <printing and printing processes and techniques>, printing processes, intaglio printing processes)
prints (visual works) [300041273]
.......(Objects Facet, Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name), Visual Works (hierarchy name), visual works (works), <visual works by material or technique>)

Dimensions: plate mark 53.2 x 37.8 cm, on sheet 57.5 x 44 cm
General Subject:
events (preferred)
religion and mythology

Specific Subjects:
macchina (festival) [300048776]
.....(Objects Facet, Built Environment (hierarchy name), Single Built Works (hierarchy name), single built works (built environment), <single built works by specific type>, <single built works by design>, temporary structures) (AAT)
ephemeral structure [300007997]
.....(Objects Facet, Built Environment (hierarchy name), Single Built Works (hierarchy name), single built works (built environment), <single built works by specific type>, <single built works by design>) (AAT)
festivals (celebrations) [300073472]
.....(Activities Facet, Events (hierarchy name), events (activities), cultural events, celebrations) (AAT)
Christianity [300073711]
.....(Associated Concepts Facet, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name), <religions and religious concepts>, religions (belief systems| cultures), Abrahamic religions) (AAT)
Holy Sepulcher [901001022]
.....((Christian legendary places, Christian iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)
Sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham [901000268]
.....((Life of Abraham, Old Testament narratives, Old Testament iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)
Holy Sepulcher [901001022]
.....((Christian legendary places, Christian iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)
Holy Week [300379024]
.....(Activities Facet, Events (hierarchy name), events (activities), cultural events, holidays, religious holidays, Christian holidays) (AAT)
Passion of Christ [901001151]
.....((Life of Jesus Christ, New Testament narratives, Christian iconography, Legend, Religion, Mythology)) (ICON)
Ottoboni, Pietro, Cardinal (Italian cardinal, 1667-1740) [500323549]
.....(Non-Artists) (ULAN)
patronage [300055736]
.....(Associated Concepts Facet, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name), social science concepts, economic concepts) (AAT)
Rome [7003138]
.....(Lazio (region (administrative division)), Italy (nation), Europe (continent), World (facet)) (TGN)

Provenance: xxx
Inscriptions: Disegno del sontuoso sagro apparato ordinato nella tribuna della basilica di S. Lorenzo, in Damaso per il sepolcro di Giesu Christo nella settimana santa dall'emo., e rmo. sig.r cardinale Otthoboni vescovo di Sabina, vice-cancelliere di S. Chiesa, e commendatore della sudetta basilica l'anno bissestile 1728 Alessandro Mauri delin. ; Filippo Vasconi sculp.
List/Hierarchical Position:
..... Movable Works
.......... Movable Works by class: drawings, paintings, prints, other two-dimensional media
Sources and Contributors:
Disegno del sontuoso sagro apparato ordinato nella tribuna della basilica di S. Lorenzo, in Damaso per il sepolcro di Giesu Christo nella settimana santa dall'emo., e rmo. sig.r cardinale Otthoboni vescovo di Sabina, vice-cancelliere di S. Chiesa, e commendatore della sudetta basilica l'anno bissestile 1728........ [GRISC,VP]
........ GRI Special Collections databases (1983-) 643916
Operatus est salutem in medio terrae........ [GRISC,VP]
........ GRI Special Collections databases (1983-)
Macchina of the Holy Sepulcher by Alessandro Mauri for the tribune of San Lorenzo in Damaso, Rome, during Holy Week 1728........ [VP]
........ GRI Special Collections databases (1983-) note
Subject: ....... [GRISC,VP]
....................... GRI Special Collections databases (1983-)
English ..... [GRISC,VP]
..... GRI Special Collections databases (1983-)
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