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Introduction to Art Image Access
Introduction to Art Image Access
Issues, Tools, Standards, and Strategies
Edited by Murtha Baca

Getty Research Institute
104 pages, 7 x 9 1/2 inches
8 color and 21 b/w illustrations, 8 charts
ISBN 978-0-89236-666-8
paper, $22.50  Order
August 2002

"Recommended for professional reference collections."

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With the proliferation of information on the World Wide Web and in other networked environments, one of the main things that users search for are images of works of art and architecture. End-users generally try to search for images by subject, a process that often proves unsatisfactory and frustrating. Cataloging images of works of art has always been challenging, but now that end-users need only have access to the Internet, the challenge is more daunting than ever.

This illustrated book on using metadata standards and controlled vocabularies to catalog and provide accurate end-user access to images of works of art also focuses on decisions that must be made about the arrangement of visual records, descriptive principles and methodologies, and requirements for access. Introduction to Art Image Access addresses the issues that underlie the intellectual process of documenting a visual collection to make it accessible in an electronic environment. A glossary, selected bibliography, and list of acronyms and URLs are included.

Murtha Baca is head of the Getty Standards Program. Contributors are Patricia Harpring, managing editor of the Getty Vocabulary Program; Colum Hourihane, director of the Index of Christian Art at Princeton University; Sara Shatford Layne, head of the Cataloging Department in the Science and Engineering Library at the University of California, Los Angeles; and Christine Sundt, professor and curator of visual resources of the Architecture and Allied Arts Library, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Introduction to Art Image Access on the Web

Series: Introduction To

Price: $22.50  Order