Museum Home Past Exhibitions The Herculaneum Women and the Origins of Archaeology

July 12–November 5, 2007 at the Getty Villa

Antiquity Recovered

Antiquity Recovered: The Legacy of Pompeii and Herculaneum
Edited by Victoria C. Gardner Coates and Jon L. Seydl

This volume traces how perceptions of the past have changed over the course of three centuries of excavations in the Vesuvian cities. Essays range from a reassessment of the library of the Villa dei Papiri to the symbolic appearance of the ancient world in such films as Rosellini's Voyage in Italy and Godard's Contempt.
(Hardcover, $60.00)

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Ashen Sky: Letters of Pliny the Younger

Ashen Sky: The Letters of Pliny the Younger on the Eruption of Vesuvius
Illustrated by Barry Moser

Barry Moser's evocative relief engravings decorate this translation of Pliny the Younger's two letters to Tacitus about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 and the death of his uncle, Pliny the Elder.
(Hardcover, $19.95)

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The Herculaneum Women: History, Context, Identities
By Jens Daehner, Kordelia Knoll, Christiane Vorster, and Moritz Woelk

Presenting the comprehensive story of these famous statues for the first time, this book examines their discovery, archaeological context, and modern history, as well as the ongoing debate over interpretation. Available in February 2008.
(Hardcover, $49.95)