Erin Migdol


  1. When Art Heals


    A group of people pose in front of a digital projection of colorful artwork

    Mark Bradford, the Arts for Healing and Justice Network, and the transformative power of community were celebrated at the Getty Prize Dinner

  2. Camille Claudel in the Spotlight


    Still image from Camille Claudel 1915 movie, with Juliette Binoche portraying Camille Claudel as she stands the doorway of a room at psychiatric hospital

    Check out four ways the celebrated sculptor has been depicted in pop culture

  3. The Spectacular Drawing in Getty's Collection You've Probably Never Heard Of


    Drawing on paper in ink of a man's face wearing a hat

    Look closely to see what makes this self-portrait by a little-known artist so impressive

  4. Made to Fade


    Two photos side by side: the left is a sepia-toned screenshot of a web browser showing a hand facing palm out and the webpage title Artform; on right is of a negative on desk under lamp with red light

    For Phil Chang, the art of these photographs is in their disappearance

  5. Photography Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three


    Four women wearing dresses and bonnets sit around a small table in a garden, next to trees and a high stone wall

    How we decided whether it was safe to display 150-year-old photos

  6. The 19th-Century Selfie Pioneer


    Two images side by side; both are photographs of a man standing in a garden surrounded by tools and plants

    Before Instagram influencers, there was Hippolyte Bayard

  7. What Exactly Does a Registrar Do?


    Person wearing a white lab coat takes a large work of art on paper out of a drawer in a storage facility

    As senior registrar at the Getty Research Institute (GRI), Lora Chin Derrien keeps track of the “treasure trove” of archival collections that come through its doors

  8. Why So Blue?


    Dozens of sheets of handmade paper, some blue and some white, hang on beams in a wooden loft

    Inside the French mill where blue paper is still made the old-fashioned way

  9. What Makes This Statue of Hercules So Great, Anyway?


    statue of hercules in a museum gallery, from knees up, in front of a blue stone background surrounded by stone Greek style columns

    Get up close and personal with a Greek god

  10. From Super-Nerd to Medievalist


    A person looks at a medieval manuscript in a large, well-lit room filled with bookshelves

    Jump-started by her love of Renaissance faires and fantasy books, assistant curator of manuscripts Larisa Grollemond shares her passion for the Middle Ages with 21st-century audiences